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SEMINARIOS ACADEMICO CEA- MIPP: «An Empirically Inspired Theory of Turnout and Voting (with Otto Swank)», presenta: Rubén Poblete-Cazeneve (Erasmus University Rotterdam)


Los invitamos al ciclo de  SEMINARIOS ACADEMICO CEA- MIPP:

Cuándo: 12 de abril de 2023 – 12:30 PM Santiago.

Dónde: Sala Consejo (401), Beauchef 851, piso 4 | Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial.

Tema: An Empirically Inspired Theory of Turnout and Voting (with Otto Swank).

Presenta: Rubén Poblete-Cazeneve (Erasmus University Rotterdam)


Why another theoretical model of voter behavior? First, recent empirical studies provide new insights into the drivers of people’s turnout and vote decisions. Second, existing voter models predominantly focus on turnout decisions and often ignore vote decisions. This leads to inconsistent explanations of observed voting patterns. We build on Harbaugh (1996), who theoretically explored social image concerns as drivers of turnout decisions. Our model explains turnout, lying about abstaining, and vote decisions. Its predictions are consistent with studies on the effects of information about candidates in slums in a large city in India. Furthermore, the model casts new light on recent studies on expressive and strategic voting in elections in France and Germany. Finally, the model yields a variety of new testable predictions.

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Más información se encuentra disponible en la página web MIPP:
