Los invitamos al ciclo de SEMINARIOS ACADEMICO CEA- MIPP:
Cuándo: 22 de mayo de 2024 – 12:30 PM Santiago.
Dónde: Sala Consejo (401) Beauchef 851, piso 4 | Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial.
Tema: Sequential Protest Formation
Speaker: Benjamín Matta (Pittsburg University)
People participate in protests even though it is costly, their participation has a negligible impact on the outcome, and the benefits are not exclusive to participants. I propose a framework where people choose optimally to participate, even if the number of potential protesters is arbitrarily large. Opportunities to participate arrive stochastically over time, and the protest succeeds if participation surpasses a threshold. A player with an opportunity becomes pivotal if, after choosing not to join, it is likely that the protest will end before another opportunity arrives.
*favor confirmar asistencia, para coordinar la solicitud de almuerzos*
Más información se encuentra disponible en la página web MIPP: