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SEMINARIOS ACADEMICO CEA- MIPP: “Social origin and the returns to College» (join with Josefa Aguirre). Presenta: Juan José Matta (UDP)


Los invitamos al ciclo de  SEMINARIOS ACADEMICO CEA- MIPP:

Cuándo: 11 de octubre de 2023 – 12:30 PM Santiago.

Dónde: Sala Consejo (401), Beauchef 851, piso 4 | Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial.

Tema: “Social origin and the returns to College» (join with Josefa Aguirre).

Presenta: Juan José Matta (UDP)


In this paper, we study the returns to college and its interaction with social origin. Using Chilean administrative data on education and labor market outcomes, and leveraging discontinuities in admission to different programs, we estimate the wage returns of various programs for first and second-generation HE students. We find that the returns to HE are higher for first-generation HE students, implying that HE reduces income gaps based on social origin. The gap in returns is primarily explained by disparities within college programs, although it also helps that first-generation students tend to enroll in programs with higher-returns than second-generation students with similar test scores.

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Más información se encuentra disponible en la página web MIPP:
